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Ready4Life is an NGO working in the educational field in South Africa and they focus on three areas:

• Digital Socio-Economic Transformation
• 21st Century Workplace Readiness
• Assisting Schools in the digital world

1. Digital Socio-Economic Transformation
This theme is centred around assisting schools with extra curriculum activities for which the school has no resources, but are still of immense importance. Activities such as remedial teaching, sport and job requirement awareness campaigns are contributing to the general well-being of a learner and to future possibilities.

2. 21st Century Workplace Readiness
This theme is focussed on how to get a job or to be self-employed. In workshops and training we help the unemployed and employed to reach their dreams. Programmes such as job readiness, computer literacy, and basic entrepreneur training are specially designed to meet their needs.

3. Assisting schools in the digital world
These days modern IT Technology is used to teach children and help learners with their education. In many township schools this technology is not available and requires a unique focus to implement ICT in the township world. This theme contains programmes that address the IT needs of a township school.

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