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Projeto Digipreneur

Empreendedorismo nas redes sociais para a Geração Z e gerações posteriores

Digipreneur e-learning course in English

  • 67 etapas
  • 328 participantes
Obtenha um certificado ao concluir o programa.


Digipreneur course will help everyone to become Social media entrepreneur. Main topics of the eLearning course are: 1.Practicing social media entrepreneurship 2.Mastering the major social media platforms 3.Planning my social media business 4.Mastering tools to creating social media viral contents 5.Building my social media influencer marketing and advertising strategy 6.Starting, monetizing and managing my business 7. Social commerce and online platforms 8.Principles of outstanding organisations

Você também pode participar desse programa pelo app mobile. Vá para o app

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